A Day of Learning and Action: Hyundai Spain and Healthy Seas Inspire Young Environmentalists in Valencia
On October 24, Hyundai Motor Spain and Healthy Seas teamed up in Tavernes de la Valldigna, near Valencia, for an educational event focused on marine conservation. With the support of Hyundai and the collaboration of the Town Council Education Department (la Regidoria d’Educació de l’Ajuntament de Tavernes), students from the CEIP Magraner primary school engaged in a full day of activities that brought ocean conservation to life.
The event welcomed all 13 classes from CEIP Magraner, with students aged 6 to 12, and kicked off in the morning with a beach cleanup at the sandy shores of Tavernes de la Valldigna. Under the guidance of the Healthy Seas team, students eagerly collected around 5 kilograms of small plastic fragments, learning firsthand about the persistence of plastic pollution and its impacts on marine life.
After lunch, the Town Council Education Department hosted the group at Casa de la Cultura de Tavernes, where the students were welcomed by their school headmaster, a Hyundai representative, and Healthy Seas. The highlight of the afternoon was a captivating presentation which included underwater footage from Ghost Diving Spain and videos of animal releases, sparking enthusiasm and curiosity to students and teachers. Students were especially intrigued by seeing how discarded fishing nets and other waste materials are transformed into practical items, such as Hyundai car mats, showcasing the potential of a circular economy.
The day concluded with a creative exercise, allowing students to reflect on their newfound knowledge. They crafted and decorated origami envelopes, writing messages inspired by the prompt, “If the Ocean Could Speak.” This artistic activity gave students the chance to express their thoughts and hopes for a cleaner, healthier ocean.
Local media covered the event, sharing the excitement of the students and highlighting the impact of the collaboration. CEIP Magraner also created a video documenting the day, and we look forward to hearing more from the school as they continue to incorporate these lessons into their curriculum.
This day in Tavernes de la Valldigna showed just how powerful environmental education can be in inspiring young minds. And you—if the ocean could speak, what message do you think it would want us to hear?