The Our Ocean Conference in Greece is a gathering of ocean advocates, experts, and government leaders focused on addressing critical issues in marine conservation. This year, we were thrilled to be part of this event, hosting a side event and a panel discussion in collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Greece and our partners, Aquafil, Diopas, Hyundai and Healthy Seas.

A major highlight from our panel was the announcement of the operation “Ghost Farms -Reclaiming Waters”, a new initiative aimed at reclaiming and cleaning up abandoned fish farms in Western Greece during all 2024. These ghost farms, with their decaying equipment and structures, pose significant risks to marine life and coastal communities. Our project aims to mitigate these risks and restore the health and beauty of these waters.

Additionally, we were honoured to have our documentary A Journey to Ithaca selected for the first Our Ocean Film Festival. It was heartening to see a group of people from the island of Ithaca attending the event to watch the documentary and cheer during the screening. Their presence added a personal touch, reminding us of the importance of local community engagement in marine conservation.

We were also proud to have our team member, Isadora Abuter, among the youth delegates at the conference. Her involvement underscores the importance of including young voices in the conversation about the future of our oceans. The enthusiasm and energy she brought to the event remind us that the next generation is ready to take on the challenges of marine conservation.

Marine litter and plastic pollution were key topics of discussion at the conference. We engaged with other experts, sharing insights and exploring new strategies to combat these issues. It was encouraging to see such a diverse group of people and organizations united by a common goal—to reduce plastic waste and protect marine ecosystems.

Significant announcements made by the Greek government added to the conference’s momentum. The creation of two new marine protected areas in the Ionian and Aegean Seas, along with a commitment to ban bottom trawling in all marine protected areas by 2030, marked substantial steps toward protecting marine life and habitats in Greece.

As the conference wrapped up, it was announced that the next Our Ocean Conference will be held in Korea. This global event continues to inspire action and foster collaboration among countries dedicated to preserving our oceans for future generations.

We look forward to continuing our work with partners and stakeholders to make a positive impact on marine conservation. Stay tuned for more updates on our efforts to protect our oceans and combat marine pollution.

See you in Korea!